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Archive for November, 2010

Programming exam revision sheet

Program development life cycle



Also know as PDLC this process contains six main phases.



Define the problem

Design the solution

Code the programme

Test the programme

Document the programme – this should be done right the way through.

Implement the programme

Define, design, code, test, document, implement

Logic techniques




Here are the steps to build a website with some organisation.

Show the basic layout. Draw a story board to show the general layout of the program.

Name different items using the naming standards. e.g. lblExample, btnTest. (these labels go in the name part of the properties and with the storyboard for reference.)

Logic. Explain what each item does.

Draw a flow chart

Create the interface and add naming standards to each item (physical)

Code each logical item starting with the easiest thing first. (physical)

Storyboard, naming standards, logic, flow chart, create interface and add naming standards, code logic items


Test plan example

A test plan contains columns for the following:

The test number

A description of the test

The test data

The expected output

Actual output


*Both the actual output and suggestions are filled in by someone else.

Test number, description, data, expected output, actual output, suggestions.

Checking the boundries

Check how the program performs when using numbers expected e.g. 1-100

Check the performance when using numbers outside the boundry e.g. 0 or 101

Check the performance when using special characters e.g. a-z

Naming standards

Uses the three letter acronym followed by the chosen naming standard which always starts with a capital letter.

e.g. btnFound

– What can be done to fix any problems- What actually happened in the test- What should happen in the test- The data which will be used to carry out the test- to explain what the program will be doing in the test





Not coding, used to help understand what the program should do. (On paper usu.)


Blue tooth classifications

Class 1 – Range of 100m

Class 2 – Range of 10m

Class 3 – Range of 1m

Each uses Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH)